Tawang was an ancient portion of Tibet colonized by the people of Monpa. In 1681, Merak Lama Lodge Gyatso in accordance with the wishes of the 5th Dalai Lama, Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso, founded the Tawang Monastery. And surrounding its name there is an interesting legend, which behalfs “Chosen by Horse”. Buddhist chants drifting in the air, and mysterious monks engrossed in prayers, then Tawang is what you’re most likely thinking about if Shangri-La conjures up images of an earthly paradise isolated from the outside world, happy people. Descriptive Tawang is a gradually populated mountainous tract seated at a height of near about 10,000 ft above sea level, lying on the northwest extremity of Arunachal Pradesh in northeast India. It is also the place of the 400-year-old Tawang monastery, which is one of the oldest and the widest monasteries in India, and outside of Lhasa, it is the biggest.