Que-01: Is this place safe to visit?
Ans: Yes, this place is safe for tourists. You can go there without any doubt. But, if you face any kind of problem you can contact the police. Here is the local police station information. Hope it will help you.
Location: opp. Childrens Park, Anjuna, Goa 437509, India
Google map:
Phone no: +91 832 227 3233
Que-02: Is photography allowed in this place?
Ans: Yes, photography is allowed in Chapora fort. This place is amazing for photography. If you are photography you would love this historical place.
Que-03:Is there any parking facility in Chapora fort?
Ans: Yes, parking is available in Chapora fort. But the parking charge here is quite high.
Que-04:Is any public toilet available in Chapora fort?
Ans: No, public toilets are not available in Chapora fort.
Que-05:When is the best time to visit Chapora Fort?
Ans: The best time to visit Chapora Fort is from October to December. At that time the weather of the city remains very pleasant. So, you may go there in between these months.