
Location: Bhimpore, Daman, India.

Estimated Visiting Time: 2-3 Day

Bhimpore is a village panchayat in the Daman district of Daman-Diu state, India. Latitude 20.4473615 and Longitude 72.8574558 are the geo-coordinates of Bhimpore. Daman is the state capital of Bhimpur village. It is located about 4.2 km from Bhimpore. The other nearest state capital to Bhimpur is Bhopal at a distance of 314.7 km. Other neighboring state capitals are Mumbai 165.4 km, Gandhinagar 318.1 km, Bhopal 562.3 km. Nearby villages and distance from Bhimpur are Marwad 1.7 km, Kadaiya 1.9 km, Daman 4.2 km, Varkund 5.0 km, Magarwara 5.0 km, Patira 5.4 km, Damansara 5.5 km, Kadaiya 5.6 km, Kadaiya 1.6 km. The local language of Bhimpur is Konkani and most of the people in the village speak Konkani. The local language of Bhimpur is Konkani and most of the people in the village speak Konkani. People of Bhimpur use the Konkani language to communicate. Bhimpur village is located in UTC 5.30 time zone and follows Indian Standard Time (IST). Sunrise time in Bhimpur varies by 38 minutes from IST. The driving direction in Bhimpur is on the left, all vehicles must move on the left while driving. The people of Bhimpur use its national currency which is Indian Rupee, and its international currency code is INR. Bhimpur phone and mobile can be accessed from abroad by adding the Indian country dialing code +91. 

Places By City

How to reach

By Air: The nearest airport to Bhimpur is Daman Airport at a distance of 2.0 km. Daman Airport is well connected to different parts of the country, especially Mumbai and Vadodara. The nearest major airport to Daman is Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport in Mumbai which is about 170 km from Daman city Centre. You can reach Daman by flights from Mumbai to Daman and flights from other nearby cities.

By Rail: The nearest railway station to Bhimpur is Udvada which is 6.6 km away.  One who wants to visit the city can reach Bhimpore by rail from another city. 

By Road: One has to go to Bhimpur through the road communication of Daman. Daman has a well-developed road network with proper highways and roads. The city is easily accessible by road. 

We wish you all the best for your journey. Happy Travel!!!


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