In Saidapet, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, there is a historic Hindu temple called Arulmigu Karaneeswarar Temple. Known here as Karaneeswarar, it is devoted to Lord Shiva. “Karaneeswarar,” which means “Lord of the Cause” or “Cause of all,” is the source of the temple’s name. This emphasizes Shiva’s position as the highest cause in Hindu philosophy. The temple is renowned for its gopuram (gateway tower), ancient constructions, and exquisite sculptures in the Dravidian style. Karaneeswarar, the ruling god, is joined by Goddess Swarnaambigai, his consort. Maha Shivaratri, Navaratri, and Panguni Uthiram are just a few of the religious and cultural celebrations that the temple conducts, attracting a large number of followers.
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