Lord Shiva, also known as Aushadeeswarar, the God of Medicines, resides at the Arulmigu Marundeeswarar Temple at Tiruvanmiyur, close to Chennai. Those seeking health and healing come to the Marundeeswarar Temple. Nayanmars, also known as the divine Tamil Saints, Tirugnana Sambandar, and Appar, held this shrine in high regard and worshipped it. The public is given Prasadam, a concoction of sacred ash, water, and milk that is said to cure all illnesses. It is stated that this temple has great healing potential and can cure all of its devotees’ illnesses. Arulmigu Marundeeswarar Temple attracts a lot of pilgrims and devotees from all over the world because of its joyous atmosphere all year long.
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