Situated in the Tiruvallur district of Tamil Nadu, India, in the town of Thiruninravur, is the Hindu temple known as Arulmigu Thelliyasinga Perumal Temple, which is devoted to Lord Vishnu. Part of the ancient Thiruninravur Divya Desam, this temple is one of 108 revered temples consecrated to Vishnu that are referenced in Tamil literature, especially in the writings of the Alvars, or saints who worshipped Vishnu. A manifestation of Narasimha, the presiding god Arulmigu Thelliyasinga Perumall, is portrayed as a lion-man who is kind and protective of his followers. The temple features a magnificent gopuram and exquisite carvings in a Dravidian architectural style. Its spiritual significance and cultural legacy draw pilgrims and tourists. When Vaikunta Ekadasi and Narasimha Jayanthi are celebrated with great zeal, the temple is particularly busy.
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