Gulmarg, you have to reach Srinagar first. Srinagar is connected to other major Indian cities by flight. You can also travel by road but it can be quite tiring. There is no train with Srinagar till now.
Public transport in Gulmarg
If you travel alone or in a couple, you may want to take public transport to Kashmir. However, keep in mind that the journey by public transport will take longer and can sometimes be unreliable. So don’t count it as a very tight travel route.
There are no direct buses to Gulmarg. However, you can take a bus from Srinagar to Tangmarg. From there you have to go to Shared Sumo to continue the rest of the journey.
If you want something quick, you can ask for a shared sumo service near the Srinagar bus stand or someone nearby. Sumo cabs can cost between -2 150-200 per person. The journey usually takes 1.5 – 2 hours.
However, in winter, shared sumo is the only alternative because of the heavy snowfall in the highlands of Gulmarg, where large vehicles are not allowed. Only 4 × 4 vehicles with snow chains on wheels are allowed. This can increase your costs by up to ₹ 700 per person.
Private transport to Gulmarg
If you travel in a group, it is more convenient to rent a private car in Kashmir. Why am I suggesting recruitment in Kashmir? Because there are many places in this area where cars/vehicles are not allowed outside Kashmir and you may have to take rent anyway.
If you travel to Gulmarg for one day from Srinagar, you can take a cab from the tourist taxi stand near Nehru Park. There a board determines the standard price of a taxi according to the destination.