In honor of the renowned socialist Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia, the Lucknow Development Authority is creating Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Park in the Vipin Khand neighborhood of Gomti Nagar. The park has 76 acres in total size. In all, there are four courtyards. There are ticket counters at each entrance. Each of the entrance courtyards has enough room to accommodate between 60 and 100 cars for parking. A 30-meter-diameter stage is available to meet the needs of social and cultural events. This amphitheater is located next to the second entry courtyard. This amphitheater is also close to the Clock Tower. This amphitheater may be reserved under two different circumstances. The first category is Non Commercial and it has a daily rent of 11,000 rupees. In contrast, the second category, known as Commercial, requires a daily payment of 21,000 rupees. The Column Honoring Dr. Lohia. Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia’s four pillar guideline is adhered to, and four colossal columns, each measuring 25 meters in height, are built. A two-acre flower garden is situated close to the main memorial area. Seasonal flowers are always in bloom in this garden, and in the center of the space is a baradari. Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Park, which is primarily covered with lush trees and flowers, is home to over 50 different varieties of trees.
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