The Old Naini Bridge is one of India’s oldest and longest bridges and is located in Prayagraj. It is a double-decked steel truss bridge, and it runs across the Yamuna River. The bridge connects the city of Prayagraj to the surrounding area of Naini.”The railway line utilizes the upper deck.” This railway line connects Naini Junction Railway Station to Allahabad Junction Railway Station. The lower deck has served as a roadway successfully since 1927. The bridge connects Howrah and Delhi. The bridge has sixteen pillars, each sixty-two feet in height. The pillars are built at a depth of Forty-four feet. The pier number 13 took extra time and care to construct during construction. So, a co-offer dam was built to protect the pillar. The length of the bridge is 1,006 meters. It is also known as the Old Yamuna or Old Jamuna Bridge.
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