Nestled in the picturesque town of Siliguri, at the foothills of the mighty Himalayas, lies a hidden gem – Surya Sen Park. This enchanting park, also known as Coronation Bridge Park, is a haven for nature lovers, adventure seekers, and families alike. Named after the legendary freedom fighter Surya Sen, the park boasts lush greenery, captivating views, and a serene ambiance that leaves visitors mesmerized. Surya Sen Park is an idyllic escape from the bustling city life. The park is spread across a vast area and features a diverse array of flora and fauna. Strolling through the well-maintained pathways, visitors are treated to a symphony of colors, with vibrant flowers and towering trees providing a refreshing atmosphere. Ample green spaces make Surya Sen Park an ideal spot for picnics and relaxation. Families and friends gather here to unwind, play games, and cherish quality time amid nature’s embrace. The park also has well-manicured lawns where visitors can sit and bask in the beauty of the surrounding landscape.
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